Tag: Podcast

#334-Dr. Susan Kleiner: We Eat Food, Not Grams (2 of 4)

In the 2nd part of my 4-part series with Dr. Susan Kleiner, we take a look at how macros have taken over the conversation regarding food. Dr. Sue and I talk about the nuance in that conversation and where it can be perceived as a reductionist view of what we eat. She talks about when […]

#333-Dr. Susan Kleiner: A Weight Neutral Approach To Health (1 of 4)

I am honored to welcome back Dr. Susan Kleiner for her fourth appearance on the show and the start of the next 4-part series. I highly recommend you check out her previous episodes: #135, 142, and 191. In this episode, we focus on the recent studies that have been released discussing the merits of a […]

#332-Alberto Alvarez: Lessons In Time Management (4 of 4)

As we pull this 4-part series to a close, Alberto Alvarez joins me again as we tackle time management. Since my work is primarily face-to-face and his, by comparison, is in the online realm, we have very different schedules that determine how we prioritize our day. You can hear how these schedules have evolved over […]

#331-Alberto Alvarez: Tips On Gamifying Your Progress (3 of 4)

Taking inspiration from Steve Kamb’s great book “Level Up Your Life”, Alberto Alvarez returns for our 3rd part in our 4-part series to talk about gamifying your health adventure. We break down how to add levels to the habits you want to change, the concept of chunking your goals into realistic and achievable steps and […]

#330-Alberto Alvarez: Making “Imperfect” Work (2 of 4)

In Part 2, of our 4-part series together, Alberto Alvarez is back with me as we tackle the notion of perfection in our diets and in training. We talk about the importance of staple meals, how to navigate less than ideal circumstances when traveling, and learning how and when to dial up and down the […]

#328-Client Spotlight: Pat Carano (4 of 4)

As we wrap up this mini-series of client spotlights, I welcome Pat Carano to the show this week. I’ve had the honor of working with Pat and her daughter Cherie for about 5 years and Pat’s story is one I’ve wanted to share on the show for a really long time. You’ll hear about her […]

#327-Client Spotlight: Don McNair (3 of 4)

In Part 3 of our 4-Part client spotlight series, I get to introduce you to Don McNair. Don and his wife, Amy, have seen amazing weight loss with us to date and while I’ll be sharing Amy’s inspiring story at a later date, I wanted Don to have some time to shine this week. In […]

#326-Client Spotlight: Pete Trivelli (2 of 4)

In this week’s client spotlight and Part 2 of 4 where we highlight a handful of our clients here at RevFit, I get to share time with Pete Trivelli. We’ve had the opportunity to work with his wife, his daughter, his son, his sister and even his soon-to-be son-in-law. Pete also holds the throne at […]

#325-Client Spotlight: Rachel Herman (1 of 4)

One of the aspects of this show prior to changing direction with the episodes that I missed the most was client spotlights. In similar fashion to what I did with the last several guests, the next four episodes will be featuring some of our RevFit rockstars and highlighting their experiences since joining here. First up […]