Category: General

#318-Dr. Allan Bacon: The Fat Loss Experience (2 of 4)

Dr. Allan Bacon and I are back this week in Part 2 of our 4-Part series together. In this episode, we talk about expectations around hunger and how to manage it, as well as the criticism and influence someone might be subject to while dieting and what to expect from our body’s responses to dieting […]

#317-Dr. Allan Bacon: Breaking Through Plateaus (1 of 4)

Dr. Allan Bacon makes his second appearance on the show after a great first episode with his wife, Beth (#244) in April of 2020. We kick off the first of our 4-part series with a massive conversation about breaking through diet and exercise plateaus. We know they are nearly inevitable during any path towards self-improvement […]

#316-Ruby Cherie: What About Motivation? (4 of 4)

Ruby Cherie and I conclude our 4-part series this week diving into our thoughts on motivation. We talk about how the evolution of motivation in our lives and within health and fitness can and should adapt on a given spectrum, why gratitude and mindfulness matter and what it looks like in real life to have […]

#315-Ruby Cherie: What Makes A Person Successful? (3 of 4)

In Part 3 of our 4-part series together, Ruby Cherie joins me again as we try to look at the myriad ways we tend to view progress when we’re trying to improve our health and our physiques. We talk about the dangers of echo chambers and curated opinions, how progress looks in the scope of […]

#313-Ruby Cherie: A "Health First" Approach (1 of 4)

Ruby Cherie returns as my next guest for our newest 4-part series on the show. She was previously on Episodes 96 and 213 which I definitely recommend you check out as well. In this first part, we conquer the reasons why you would benefit from focusing on health before focusing on getting smaller at all […]

#312-Sohee Lee: Diet Culture Vs. Anti-Diet Culture (4 of 4)

In the final part of our 4-part series together, Sohee Lee and I tackle the topics of diet culture and anti-diet culture. There was so much for us to sift through in this episode and we both did our best to present both sides of the coin in the most respectful way possible. As one […]

#311-Sohee Lee: Diet Troubleshooting (3 of 4)

In part 3 of our 4-part series together, Sohee Lee and I turn our attention in this episode to diet troubleshoots. Tune in to hear our take on:  -Taking in information versus acting on it -Underreporting calories -Areas of the diet that are easily overlooked -Weekend splurges -Considerations for energy output and how it affects […]