Category: Blog

Hail To The King

*The title of this post was taken from the Avenged Sevenfold song of the same name* Last week, as Alex was preparing to hit a new max on the traplift (315×5), he was getting some extra motivation from John G. who is currently the strongest man in RevFit with his squat (300×5 lbs) and traplift […]

Everything In Its Right Place

*The title of this post was taken from the Radiohead song of the same name* Moderation seems to be the buzzword in the diet and exercise world. “You can eat anything in moderation.” “Moderate exercise can improve heart health.” “Drink alcohol in moderation.” And there is great truth to those statements. What you don’t see […]

Sleep Is The Enemy

*The title of this post was taken from the Danko Jones song of the same name* When trying to solve every aspect of a weight loss journey, talking about food and exercise can become somewhat mind numbing. Ask any five people who have succeeded at losing weight and keeping it off, you’re likely to hear […]

New Life

*The title of this post was taken from the Depeche Mode song of the same name* When my wife, Marissa, was 14 years old she had a stroke. Not much was known at the time about the cause except that her blood had a tendency to clot. When we found out that she was pregnant, […]


*The title of this post was taken from the Commodores song of the same name* Kristie has been an on again-off again client of mine since 2010. A fellow business owner, she has been not only a great friend but a trusted professional adviser. Like many people, Kristie doesn’t enjoy exercise. She knew back in […]

Devil In The Details

*The title of this post was taken from the Placebo song of the same name* At least a couple of times a year, I go back to counting my calorie intake. For as many conversations as I have with clients about being mindful of portion sizes, I always find it fascinating (and frustrating) how easily […]

Neat Neat Neat

*The title of this post was taken from the Damned song of the same name* I fidget. A LOT. If you were to watch me at a restaurant, I could be doing several things simultaneously while waiting for food: -Playing with the adhesive wrap that holds silverware together inside the napkin -Tapping my feet (quietly) […]

The Calling

*The title of this post was taken from the Santana song of the same name* My sophomore year in college (circa 1995) I had nine different jobs. I remember my parents freaking out when I turned all of my tax forms over to my Dad for filing. Unlike my parents, who were always fiercely loyal […]

We Are Family (Letter To Brandon)

*The title of this post was taken from the Sister Sledge song of the same name* Brandon, We have been at this training thing for nearly 7 years. That means you have been a client of mine almost as long as I’ve had this business. Over that time, you’ve lost a fantastic amount of weight […]

Words Are Weapons

*The title of this post is taken from the Eminem/D12 song of the same name* There is a lot to admire when someone takes it upon themselves to improve. It takes admitting that you’re in a place where things need to be better than they are currently. More often than not, it takes the help, […]