Category: Blog

Gave Up

*The title of this post was taken from the Nine Inch Nails song of the same name* Going clean was easy. It was not quick. I ran in waves of eliminating certain drugs in favor of others and watching my tolerance continue to climb for whatever I still allowed into my system. The most bizarre […]

You’re The Inspiration

*The title of this post was taken from the Chicago song of the same name* What started as simply a way to spread the good word about client success and a partial glimpse of what we do at RevFit has grown by leaps and bounds. If I had to give a rough guess at how […]


*The title of this post was taken from the Bayside song of the same name* Imagine for a moment that you’ve walked into an attic. You’re surrounded by old trunks, clothing, and miscellaneous boxes that haven’t been opened in years. In the corner of the attic is what appears to be a covered painting. You […]

Message To Michael

*The title of this post was taken from the Dionne Warwick song of the same name* There are a small handful of clients who have been with me nearly since the beginning. Some have started, left for a time, and returned but I have a few who have been with me with hardly a break at […]

Like Suicide

*The title of this post was taken from the Soundgarden song of the same name* Last week, when the news reported that Chris Cornell had passed away, it shook me up. When further reports came out that it was an apparent suicide, it hit me a little bit more. Some very thought provoking articles have come […]

Over The Rainbow

*The title of this post was taken from the Judy Garland song of the same name* When I was in high school, our family doctor remarked how thin-framed I was. I believe his suggestion to me was to pack a couple of bagels into my pockets every day, eat them in the morning and see […]

Your Mother Should Know

*The title of this post was taken from The Beatles song of the same name* It’s a few days early but as of the release of this post, Mother’s Day is just days away. I’ll start tributes like this: To my mother, you have weathered nearly every storm in my life. Losing Dad proved to be […]

The 8th Wonder (8 Lessons From 8 Years In Business)

* The title of this post was taken from the Rose Hill Drive song of the same name* May 1 marks eight years since we first opened our doors. It has been one exhilarating ride since 2009. I’ve tried to think of everything that has managed to go right and wrong during that time. Since […]

The Hunger

*The title of this post is from The Distillers song of the same name* There’s a problem with dieting. Hunger. It’s uncomfortable. It’s frustrating. It lingers. And sometimes right when you think you have it cracked, it comes around again. Now, there are things you can do to make dieting (and hunger) less uncomfortable. You can […]


*The title of this post was taken from the Self song of the same name* After 18 years floating around this industry as both consumer/client and trainer, I should know better. Hell, I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on books, certifications and other avenues of continuing education to teach me better. Yet even as the […]