If you’re trying to make steps towards polishing up your diet to either A) feel/perform better or B) change your physique, here are five simple-ish things you can do immediately to help.
1-Aim for 20-30g of protein in each meal. Protein is not only the macronutrient that helps you build and recover your muscles but it tends to be the most satiating macronutrient as well. It can help reduce feelings of hunger throughout the day regardless of whether you’re mostly sedentary or you have a more active lifestyle. If you’re not sure what that amount of protein looks like, consider that the average Greek or Icelandic yogurt in those 5oz cups has approximately 15g of protein in them. Some brands boast even more per serving. If you open up the palm of your hand, that’s also a relatively close approximation of 25-30g of protein when looking at meat products such as chicken breast or steak. If you need more exact numbers, a food scale can be helpful for weighing meats/seafood. Bear in mind, that some sources of protein can be significant sources of fat as well so that will need to be considered against your personal needs/goals.
2-Add one fruit or one veggie to each meal. While one could make the argument that many of us are “plant-based” by definition, if you live in the domestic U.S., those plants may be unevenly weighted in starchy carbs: breads, rice, potatoes, etc. You can upgrade the vitamins and minerals in your diet by reducing some of those starchy carbs and picking at least one fruit or vegetable to have in its place. There’s a reason why you hear people say that you want to build a rainbow with your plate: The more color you see, the better off you’re likely to be. You don’t have to go overboard. A breakfast of eggs, toast and bacon can be upgraded by reducing the portion of toast and adding some spinach or mushrooms to your eggs.
3-Add 8-10oz of water to each meal. Many of my clients struggle to get enough water in their day. Use your meals as a cue to add 8-10oz of water as well. If you’re not sure if you drink enough water, try using the urine test: You’ll know if you’re getting enough when your urine is somewhere between clear and light yellow in color. Try not to add too much water to the end of your day. This may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night to pee, disrupting your sleep quality.
4-Having a treat? If you’ve followed me long enough, you’ll know that I don’t demonize foods. There is no good or bad food. There are, however, foods that you may have an allergic reaction to or foods your body doesn’t tolerate well. If you’re electing to have a tasty treat, consider sharing it with someone. I don’t know what it is for me personally, but I get far more joy sharing a dessert with my sons or with my wife than if I just eat it by myself.
5-What about alcohol? If you’re someone who chooses to imbibe, feel free. As we continue to learn more about alcohol and its effects on the body, studies show that there are little to no health benefits in its use. It’s still a known toxin so the least amount you can use, the better. My wife and I are both bourbon fans and we’ve curtailed our use from 3 oz an evening down to 1.5 oz. The adage still applies: drink responsibly if you choose to include alcohol in your diet.
None of this information is sexy and it won’t make the headlines of your newspaper. That being said, the basics still work incredibly well…
You just have to work them.
(Photo courtesy of Jimmy Dean)