This is Day 11 in my 30-day blogging journey.
If you don’t know the backstory, check out Day 1.
In my 20s, my life was saved by Dr. David Deckert.
I mean that closer to the literal sense than the figurative.
In my 40s, my life was saved by Dr. Collin Myers.
This time, more figurative.
Shortly after my father passed away in 2011, I called up a therapist who could help with grief and sat down with her for two sessions.
In the first one, my grief overtook me.
I cried through most of that session.
In the second session, I had very little to say and she had very little feedback for me.
So, I quit.
I started back in therapy in 2019 when I was in great shape professionally but terrible shape personally.
I looked up therapists on Google who were close to my studio so that I wouldn’t have to travel far.
I found Dr. Collin’s name, saw some reviews which didn’t seem to sway my thoughts one way or another and set up my first appointment.
He was perfect.
He was exactly what I needed in a therapist: He knew when to speak and when to listen. He knew when to ask questions and he ALWAYS would nail me with a question that would leave me processing between visits.
He also was just enough of the paternal side of my life that I was missing with the loss of my father.
I look at therapy a lot like personal training and nutrition coaching.
A good therapist can’t do the work for you.
And a good therapist “shouldn’t” spell all of your bullshit out for you (but sometimes they need to).
Therapy is painful. Therapy is uncomfortable. Therapy is, in my humble opinion, necessary for basically everyone.
And if you’re the kind of person who says: “I don’t need therapy.”
My friend, you probably need it more than most.
Of course, it does take finding the right person for you…like personal training…and nutrition coaching…
Dr. Collin and I spent a lot of time together between 2019-20.
We have spent a lot less time together between 2020 and now.
Most of that has to do with the fact that my life feels pretty good right now.
Not perfect. It will never be perfect.
But it feels good. It doesn’t feel like it’s cracking.
One thing I appreciate when I’m able to reconnect with him, is that it can be like picking back up with an old friend. We know the story, we know the history, and we can fill in the gaps from there.
It reminds me of something that happens with my business too.
Some clients come and they stay for a long time.
Some clients come, take what they need and leave, never to be seen again (we hope it was a good experience, nonetheless).
And some clients come, and leave, and then return.
Of course, they all have value to us. There’s something to learn from each of those types of clients.
But personal training, nutrition coaching, or traditional therapy can feel like it’s a stepping stone.
Sometimes the service provided is merely a place for an individual to stop for a time before they go on to the next stage or chapter of their lives.
I can’t be stingy with Dr. Collin. If you want to reach out to his office, you can do so HERE.
Not everyone wants a male therapist, so if you need a female therapist to speak to, he has someone on staff who can help.
For as long as he can tolerate me, I know I’ll have a place with Collin.
Coincidentally, he dropped by my studio as I was writing this piece about him.
Perhaps that is serendipitous.
Thank you, my friend. My life would not be the same without you.