Dani Singer is the owner of Fit2Go, an in-home personal training service. In this episode, we cover the importance of what happens outside of the training sessions to make sure clients get the best results possible. Dani breaks down why it’s crucial to focus on small, sustainable habits especially when the lives of our clients already have so much that can stand in the way of their progress. To learn more about the PAUL method that Dani references, check out www.fit2gopt.com/be-paul and check out www.fit2gopt.com to learn more about Dani himself and the great work he’s doing. For more on your host, visit www.jasonleenaarts.com and www.revfittherapy.com You can also like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/revolutionaryou Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.
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