Revolutionary You! #145-BONUS-Rob Dionne and Jason Leenaarts: The Top 10 Habits For Burning Fat and Building Muscle

In the first episode of it’s kind since I started the show, I am releasing this bonus episode in conjunction with Rob Dionne, host of Open Sky Fitness. Since his regularly scheduled shows come out on Tuesdays, I am releasing this on the same day and we will resume our regular episode this Thursday. In this show, Rob and I each select our Top 10 Habits For Burning Fat and Building Muscle. Neither of us knows the other’s list heading into the recording, so the beauty is in the spontaneity. I absolutely loved this show. Rob was excellent and he will be returning in the future so I can feature him as a solo guest. To learn more about his work and to tune into his show, visit There you can link with his podcast and social media channels to see more of what Rob is up to. To learn more about your host, check out and You can also like our Facebook page at Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.

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