#142-Dr. Susan Kleiner: The Focus On Female Nutrition

I tipped my hat to this with the prior release just a few weeks ago (#135) with Dr. Susan Kleiner. As continued build up to her new book “The New Power Eating”, we continue our conversation about the changes she made in this new version. This episode is completely focused on female nutrition. This is one of those episodes where you may want to tune in with a pen and paper so you can make notes on some of the great detail Dr. Susan gives here. We cover a lot of ground from caloric needs, menstrual cycles, macronutrient profiles and more. This is an excellent show! You can order your copy of The New Power Eating directly from Dr. Sue’s website at www.drskleiner.com To learn more about your host, check out www.jasonleenaarts.com and www.revfittherapy.com You can also like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/revolutionaryou Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.