#126-BONUS-Jon Goodman: Fitness Marketing Monthly

Jon Goodman is the creator of the largest collaborative blog for personal trainer, The Personal Trainer Development Center (The PTDC) and the founder of the world’s first certification of online trainers. He’s the author of 7 books including Ignite The Fire, Viralnomics and the seminal textbook on online training. Jon has been featured in Men’s Health, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and many more. Originally from Toronto, Jon spends the winters traveling the world with his wife and baby boy. We take time to chat on this episode about his newest offering: Fitness Marketing Monthly. Access this link to order now and lock in your best rate. To learn more check out www.theptdc.com/get-fmm To learn more about your host, please visit www.jasonleenaarts.com and www.revfittherapy.com You can also like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/revolutionaryou Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.