50,000 Downloads Can’t Be Wrong

*The title of this post was inspired by The Fall album of a similar name*

Last week, upon the release of episode 107 with Mark Young, my podcast Revolutionary You! reached a milestone of 50,000 downloads. Depending on your perspective, that’s either a large or small number.

For me, it’s very special.

When I started the show, it was with the goal of not only learning more from the people in the fitness, health and nutrition industries who inspired me but to spread that word to as many people as I could organically.

So over the nearly two years since I started it, I’ve had no paid advertising nor have I accepted sponsorships to promote any brands on the show.

The show has grown little by little on the strength of my guests and those listeners who took time out of their day to share the episodes that had the most impact on them.

For that, I am extremely grateful.

Each week, I have been proud to present the very best people that I can get access to so that you, the listener, can hear the most realistic, educated, and forthright information that I can give you.

And very little has been off limits.

With the permission and candor of my guests, we have gone far beyond exercise and food into more sensitive topics like depression, suicide, addiction, sexual abuse and more.

And while those topics aren’t discussed with every episode, they are many of the topics I have been most proud to unveil because they remove the filter from the journey of self-improvement into the sometimes harsh realities of what many of us have to overcome and manage to see brighter days.

The show has been a true labor of love for me. I make no direct money by releasing it. It is my hope that it stands as a lasting testament of truly great people in my industry who I want to reach the masses.

I am anxiously looking forward to where the next 50,000 downloads leads us.

Thus far, it has been one of the greatest and most rewarding of my professional achievements and it is 100% free for you to consume at your leisure.

If you are an Apple user, you can download episodes HERE and if you are a Droid user, episodes can be found HERE. Or simply type Revolutionary You into your podcast app of choice and we should come up.

I am immensely grateful to all of you who made this milestone possible. I hope you have been equally inspired and called to action by my amazing guests.

Thank you for being a part of the ride.

And on the note of inspiration, I wanted to wrap this up with a picture of our resident “King Richard”, the 78-year young wonder who just pulled a 270lb PR last week in his traplift.
