I welcome back two returning guests and two great coaches: Melody Schoenfeld (Episodes #88 and #205) and Chad Landers (Episode #106). As they are both gym owners in the state of California, a state which has been more aggressive than most with lockdowns, I wanted to know more about how they’ve been reacting to the situation. Both Chad and Melody operate different formats of training and both had to shift their clientele to methods that worked best at the time. Tune in to find out what worked, what didn’t and how they are continuing to move forward despite more uncertainty with how California is handling the virus response. Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.
To learn more about Melody’s work:
You can also purchase her first book “Pleasure Not Meating You” on Amazon.
To learn more about Chad’s work:
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Source: #263-Melody Schoenfeld & Chad Landers: State of Emergency