#85-Community, Culture And A Love Letter To Humanity With Mark Fisher

Mark Fisher is indisputably one of my favorite people in the fitness industry. His facility, Mark Fisher Fitness, is one of the most fantastic success stories to hear about because of the community he and his team have fostered. We talk about how he built it, what keeps things fun there and even how a fitness enthusiast can make the most of their own gym experience so they can see the best results possible. To learn more about Mark, check out www.markfisherfitness.com and www.businessforunicorns.com To learn more about your host, check out www.jasonleenaarts.com and like our Facebook post at www.facebook.com/revolutionaryou Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.

Source: #85-Community, Culture And A Love Letter To Humanity With Mark Fisher