#53-General Exercise For The Expectant Mom With Dr. Jenna Nadolsky

Dr. Jenna Nadolsky joins me for her very first podcast episode ever! She and her husband, Dr. Spencer Nadolsky have recently welcomed their first (Piper) into the world. Piper tunes in to the show as well, so you’ll get to hear both mother and daughter on this one! Dr. Jenna and I discuss some general thoughts for exercise planning regarding active women and how to change training as they progress through term. This is a fairly short episode packed with some great tips that you don’t want to miss. To learn more about what the Nadolsky’s have happening, please visit www.docswholift.com or connect directly with Dr. Jenna on Facebook. To learn more about your host, check out www.jasonleenaarts.com Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review. 

Source: #53-General Exercise For The Expectant Mom With Dr. Jenna Nadolsky