The Boiling Point

This is Day 25 in my 30-day blogging journey.

The background on this experiment is on Day 1.

212 degrees Fahrenheit.

I had no idea what the significance of that was when I asked Coach Nick Morton why he chose 212 Fitness as the name for his coaching services.

It’s defined as the “extra degree”.

In other words, water is only hot at 211 degrees and at 212 degrees, it boils.

The metaphor is that, by pushing one step further, one extra degree, that you can achieve the next level in personal or professional achievement.

I’m getting a bit ahead of myself.

You’ve read about Coach Mike Roder, Coach David Cameron and now it’s time to highlight the newest member of our staff (although he’s been with us for well over a year), Nick Morton.

Like Mike and David, Nick also came from the Kent State University exercise science program.

If you’re a fan of The Beatles, you might know that George Harrison was “the quiet one”.

Well, if the RevFit staff were The Beatles, Nick would be our George Harrison.

Which is funny to me, because he’s actually talkative, just not during our normal work shifts.

Where Coach Mike has more of the athlete’s focus to his training style and Coach David looks at more functional movements and ways to apply almost a physical therapist’s viewpoint to training, Nick leans more towards physique and bodybuilding.

I learn new things and new concepts of training from each of them. That’s one of the joys of my position.

Make no mistake, Nick is constantly thinking and learning and applying information he picks up not just about coaching but business and personal development.

Because he generates more revenue from his online coaching than he does here at RevFit, we are constantly talking about things that are and aren’t working in the ways we market our services online.

Our demographics couldn’t be more different.

Outside of the work he does for us at RevFit, his primary online demographic is young men like himself who are looking to get leaner, get stronger and, where possible, to prepare for competition on stage.

For comparison: on Instagram, 70% of my following is women with an age range between 35-55. For Nick, 90% of his following is men from 18-35.

Nick was an athlete growing up but he reached a point with his body where he wasn’t as focused on his training and his nutrition. As a result, he reached a weight he was unhappy with and that became the catalyst for his own transformation.

He started focusing on fat loss and making the most of his body’s potential to drop the weight he wanted to.

Once he got to a relative low end, he changed course and began the long, slow climb to not only a leaner, stronger version of himself but to keep an eye on muscle hypertrophy.

His personal transformation became the foundation for how he coaches his clients.

As I’ve mentioned in the other coach highlights, Nick provides an angle and a style of training that wasn’t already applied here.

Nick, David and myself split the programming duties among us so that each client gets some variety and spin on their training blocks.

For myself, Nick’s been handling my programming for the last several months and I can proudly say that at the not-so-young age of 47, I’m lifting weights I’ve never been able to do before.

A sincere and heartfelt thank you to Nick for knowing how to work around my frustrating list of injuries and knowing how to program around them.

And for as much grief as we all (clients and staff) tend to give him for being quiet, don’t let it confuse you: it’s a quiet confidence.

It’s that same confidence which gives him space to push for “the extra degree” for himself, his coaching abilities and his clients.

I’d encourage you to give Nick a follow on Instagram so you can see what he’s up to.

(Photo courtesy of Karen Bailey)